Please remember to use the supply checkout sheet provided at the Explore Art supply room when you are gathering supplies for your class. It helps us to keep track of our inventory.
A bin reserve sheet is also provided for you to fill out and place in your cart once you have your supply bin ready for your class.
Please email the Explore Art Chair, Susmita ( at least 2-3 days ahead of time when you need the following as these items are by request only:
- Watercolor paper
- Canvas (1st and 5th grade only)
- Black foil (5th grade)
- Linoleum squares (4th and 5th grade only)
- Foam boards (3rd grade)
Material and Supply Locations:
Supply Room: In main office area next to the teacher mail boxes:
Main art supply area for Explore Art
- Paints (tempera, acrylic, watercolor)
- Pastels (Oil and Chalk)
- All brushes
- Ceramic Glaze
- Paper products
- Glue and adhesives
- Markers, Colored pencils, Sharpies
- Scissors, rulers, mirrors, etc.
- Foil, wax paper
- Dixie cups, paper plates
- Bandaid, wipes, paper towel rolls
- Hairspray, hairdryer
- Lino bryers

Kindergarten Pod Area:
- Clay Cabinet
- All Art Prints
- All Art Books
- Ceramics Binder
- Glass Binder
- All Art Binders
- All Sample Binders
- Glass Cabinet