LESSON PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONSLINEHOUSESLesson Objectives: Students will learn about different kinds of lines and use them to create a picture of a house. Options may be seasonal (gingerbread or haunted houses), or architectural (lighthouses, barns, etc.) or they can draw their own house.Time Required: 1 hour Artist: Edward Hopper, House and … [Read more...]
September 14, 2012 by
LESSON PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONSLINELINE VARIETY PAINTINGLesson Objectives: Students will create a painting demonstrating their understanding of different types of lines and the names used to describe them, including horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.Time Required: 1 hourArtist: Kandinsky, Lines of MarksSource: http://mrsbrownart.com/kindergarten.htmMaterials:12”x18” White construction … [Read more...]