MAGNIFICENT MUMMIESPATTERN, SYMMETRY and BALANCE MAGNIFICENT MUMMIESLesson Objectives: To teach the students about symmetry and balance in art.Time Required: 1 hourArtist: Art of EgyptMaterials:Black paper 12x18Colored paper 12x18Oil PastelsWhite ChalkMetallic Colored PencilsScissorsGluePresentation: Discuss how symmetry is used in art. Give examples of what is symmetric versus asymmetric. … [Read more...]
September 17, 2012 by
LESSON PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONSPATTERN GUSTAV KLIMT CRAZY QUILTLesson Objectives: To introduce the children to how patterns are used in Art.Time Required: 1 hour (May take longer depending on how intricate the children’s patterns are.)Artist: Gustav Klimt, Baby/(Cradle), 1917/18 (available online) Source: Dynamic Art Projects for Children, pgs 98-101Materials:White … [Read more...]