All About Art Walk
Art Walk is an annual Explore Art event that showcases each student’s artwork from every classroom, recognizes the Explore Art docents and volunteers, and raises funds to support the Explore Art Program. This is one of the few PTSA events that represents the entire student body and therefore every effort is made to have a display that includes artwork from every student in your class.
Explore Art is completely funded by the PTSA. The funds raised at this event are used to supplement the Explore Art budget and will be used specifically for Explore Art materials and supplies. The more funds raised, the more opportunities there are to enhance the program.
The artwork is displayed in the gymnasium, gallery-style. Admission for the event is free; however, a $3 donation is suggested but not required. With a donation, parents receive a “SOLD” sign that they can attach to their own child’s artwork as a simple acknowledgement. The “SOLD” sign means a lot to the kids. All the artwork, including all “purchased” pieces, will remain at the event until the end of the evening. Every piece of artwork is returned to the original artist after Art Walk.
Traditionally, classes display their project lesson from January on the Rotation Calendar. Please refer to the current rotation calendar to find out the element assigned for your class. It is important that you follow the rotation calendar for your Art Walk project so that duplicate art pieces are not displayed. Should a student miss his/her Art Walk lesson, please talk to your teacher to arrange a time to schedule a make up.
We provide ART RACKS, TABLES and Wall space for the projects to be displayed. While a well thought of display looks beautiful, please do not stress over how to style your display project! The value of a simple project with a good lesson is recognized and appreciated, and far more important than elaborate displays and fancy materials. The class display should not distract the viewer from the students’ artwork. The goal is to present your class’s artwork in a way so that every piece can be appreciated both
individually and as a whole.
The Art Docents and parent volunteers are responsible to set up and take down their art the day of art walk. After school is out on the day of Art Walk, parents will come in to set their classrooms’ artwork in its designated space. At the end of Art Walk, a parent volunteer needs to take down the art and be responsible for getting it back to the classroom to go home the next day with the students.
Event Day: Thursday, March, 13th 2024, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
How Can I Help?
There are many opportunities for you to be involved. Check out the sign up and pick a slot that works for you!
If you have High or Middle school students who needs volunteer hours and would like to help, please use this link to sign them up for Art Walk.
Art Walk 2025
The main focus of Art Walk is always going to be showcasing the class projects the best possible way we can. It is our topmost priority to present each and every student’s work at the exhibition. All other attractions build around the main showstopper.
This year we are bringing back our Student’s Photography Contest, each student can submit maximum of two entries. There will be three grade level categories K-1, 2-3, 4-5 and a winner will be decided on popular vote from each category. Your student’s entry must be
- a photograph taken by the student himself/herself
- reflects the chosen theme
- K-1: Shapes that I see
- 2-3: Spaces around me,
- 4-5: Value of Color to me
- can be in color or black &white
- printed in 8×10 size matte paper
- must be submitted by 2/28/2025 by 3:50pm
- Sign up here if your student is interested. If your student would want to submit two entries, please sign up for one slot only and indicate the number in comments.
We have children’s activity stations – coloring station, coffee filter flower craft & collaborative mural. There will be exciting door prize with a raffle draw, & Photobooth for instant photos.
Last but not the least we are bringing back our “Portrait Parade” of famous artworks coming alive by some of our wonderful Smith family members.
Bai Tong on Wheels, the food truck will be here serving their delicious menu for those who wish to purchase dinner. Spread the word to your friends and neighbors to come and checkout Art Walk at Smith on the 13th!
For more information on ART WALK, please refer to the ART WALK FAQ.