Lesson Objectives: Show students how to use elements of perspective to create a drawing of a Campbell’s soup can, but with some personal twists (flavor and colors).

Time Required: 1 hour

Artist:  Andy Warhol, Campbell’s Soup Labels (several prints in bin under W)



White paper for drawing

Markers or acrylic paint

Silver and Black Sharpies

Pencil for drawing

Mounting materials- colored paper and black tag board


Talk about perspective: from the Andy Warhol print, describe how you see the lid of the can, but not the bottom, and how the edges of the can curve. Andy Warhol has many famous quotes that students will appreciate (see website). Andy Warhol painted soup labels because he appreciated the beauty of everyday objects.  He also just really liked soup and ate it every day for lunch.  Demonstrate how to use the template:

  1. Using a small oval template, show how to draw the top lid of the can, tracing around the template. 
  2. Use the template again to draw the bottom of the can, tracing just the bottom half of the template.  The template can also be used to draw the graphic sections of the soup can label, and can help students space out lettering to follow the curve of the can.


Remind students to draw lightly with pencil.  Sketching in the lettering very lightly will keep them from running out of space for all the letters.  They can go back and finish drawing in the letters once they know they have enough space. 


            1.         Trace around oval to draw top of can, then move oval down several inches for the bottom of the can, tracing just the bottom half of the oval.  Draw straight lines to connect top and bottom.                    

            2.         Use the template to lightly sketch in a line to plan space for lettering and the center color separation line between the white and the red (or other colors, whatever they choose). 

            3.         Finish using markers or acrylic paints.  Students will enjoy creating their own ‘flavor’ of soup and coloring the labels whatever colors they like.  Encourage favorite food flavors like ice cream or chocolate or fruit, etc.  Mount on black tag board with colored paper.